It is the 4th of July! Let’s Put Our Love into Action

This is the day we in the U.S celebrate our freedom…Celebrate our independence.

But this year, the 4th feels different to me. 

We still had our picnics, parades, fireworks, and gatherings with friends, but it’s hard to embrace this holiday when so many of our freedoms are being stripped away.

Last week alone, some of the freedoms I hold most dear seem to have disappeared overnight: The reversal of Roe V. Wade, our ability to ensure clean air and water for all, knowledge that justice and truth will prevail, and that the Constitution still guides our democracy.

As I think about the enormity of what is happening and the far-reaching implications of these changes, it can be so easy to give in to rage and either come out fighting or go back into self-protection mode with a feeling that nothing we do really matters at all. 

We are at an important tipping point in our country. We need everyone at the table to find a path forward that will benefit the wellbeing of society, versus the pursuit of personal and corporate gain.

This 4th of July, as we celebrate our freedom, I think it is important to remember that:

With Freedom Comes Responsibility. 

There is a lot of talk about personal freedoms, but very little is said about the responsibilities that come with them. For example:

  • Free speech. With that freedom, we have a RESPONSIBILITY to tell the truth, be respectful of others and ensure we listen and seek to understand.

  • Freedom to bear arms for our own protection. I believe this comes with the RESPONSIBILITY to develop common sense regulations and a ban on assault weapons that are too often used in mass shootings.

  • A democratic society is dependent on fair elections where everyone is encouraged and has the opportunity to vote. Voter suppression is not democracy. We have the RESPONSIBILITY to ensure everyone’s voice is heard, and that we follow the will of the people.

  • The freedom and right to own and operate a thriving business and make money. I also believe our corporations have a RESPONSIBILITY to not harm the people and the planet.

  • The right for a woman to choose and have control over her own body and destiny. At the same time, we have a RESPONSIBILITY to practice safe sex and do all we can to avoid unwanted pregnancies and provide supportive services for woman who choose to carry that child, during and after pregnancy. The truth is that almost all women believe this as well. I’ll let you in on a secret, NO woman wants to have an abortion. The people I know who have chosen that path carry that decision with them throughout their lives. They also know it was the best thing they could do at that time. This is a very personal choice.

It is such a delicate balance to live our life and enjoy the personal freedoms we have, and at the same time ensure that others have the freedom to live their lives and walk their path as well. This can never happen if we act out of fear and hate, and use our lives to judge and condemn others. It can only happen when love and respect guide our actions and decisions. We must stand together for justice and freedom for all, and remember that with our freedom, comes responsibility.

The proverb “United we Stand, Divided We Fall” can be traced back to the 6th Century B.C. Greek storyteller, Aesop, and his fable of Four Oxen and the Lion. It is also referenced in the New Testament, Mark 3:25; “if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” 

Today, I want to leave you with a song from one of the U.S Founding Fathers,

“The Liberty Song”, written by John Dickenson, published in both the Pennsylvania Journal and Gazette on July 7, 1768. Below is a verse that serves as a good reminder for us today.

“Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all, By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall; In so righteous a cause let us hope to succeed, For heaven approves of each generous deed.”

On this 4th of July week, I challenge us to put our love into action today in service of justice, unity, and freedom for ALL.

Wendy B. White


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