Let’s Choose Love Mini-Grant Application
We want to empower you to change the world!
Let’s Choose Love Grant Applications are Currently Closed.
Do you have an idea that is centered on extending your love and making a positive impact? Do you feel moved to contribute to your community - whether through a passion for the environment, children, eradicating hunger, sharing art, e.t.c - but are facing barriers making it happen? Our mini-grants come with financial support AND free coaching sessions with a business consultant who can coach you through your project.
The Let’s Choose Love Grant is an opportunity for you to find your voice, identify the gift you have to bring to the world, find the passion of your calling, and take action on that. You may apply for any project that does good in the world. Anyone may apply, but priority is given to people between 16 and 30 years old. We do have some criteria you should know about as you bring your idea to fruition.
Criteria - Please read before applying for a grant.
You may apply for $500, $750, or $1000.
You will work with a consultant from Let’s Choose Love who will help guide your success.
You must volunteer your time. The grant may not be used to pay salaries.
Your project must be FOR something, not AGAINST, e.g. For birth control education, not anti-abortion.
Projects should fall under one of our seven categories: Environment & climate, Art & culture, Diversity equity & inclusion, Education, Wellness, Women & youth, Social justice.
Projects must have a timeline. Projects must start and be completed within 6 months of receiving the grant funds.
Projects must have a beginning, middle, and end. You need to be able to complete the project with this grant and the resources you already have.
Upon completion of your project, you are required to complete a simple project review and financial accounting form and submit it to Let’s Choose Love.
Let’s Choose Love only supports projects based in the US.
You must agree to be interviewed so we can share your story. Grant recipients are strongly encouraged to share their projects with their local community and press.
We encourage all grant recipients to help spread the Let's Choose Love mission with their community. Please follow our Let's Choose Love Facebook and Instagram accounts and share about your LCL journey on your social media page.
You must read and adhere to the Manifesto.
Let’s Choose Love Grant Applications are Currently Closed.
After you apply for a grant, your application will be read by a real-life human person, and you will be contacted via the email provided by the end of this grant cycle.
Do you have questions about the application process or need ideas for projects? Check out our FAQ page OR send us an email at admin@letschooselove.org