Love Doesn’t Hurt

Let’s Choose Love extends an invitation for people to really get to know themselves, and then have the courage to step into their own unique life. A year ago a dear friend did just that. Love Doesn’t Hurt is her story of what she found on the other end of that invitation.

Love Doesn’t Hurt

Raised in the church, love was expressed with fear and a belt and 

“It’s for your own good”.

I found solace in tumultuous relationships and abusive words. 

At my lowest; self-harm, afraid of food, and falling asleep with wine and tears,

I thought I had found my best me.

Because no one had ever told me I was better

Or that I deserved better.

When I finally started to realize

That better was a word I could utilize,

I left my marriage, my relationship 

With depression, constant fear, and belittlement that I had called ‘home’ for 10 years. 

I found myself in the arms of the woman I plan to marry 

Who held me with love and grace and acceptance

For all that I am 

And all that I was

And all that she could see that I could be

Even when I couldn’t yet.

When the arms that I found myself in

We’re attached to the soft, loving body of a woman,

I was met with anger and fear and

“Go back to him. It’s for your own good.”

But she told me to stand up

When they told me to sit down.

She told me I had a voice and could use it.

It was quiet at first, but I used it.

And I stepped away from people that I had called family,

The home that held me in with bars made of shame and locks of golden tipped lies.

And I found the love that I had searched for 

And I learned to love myself 

And my truth

And my voice.

And I learned that love doesn’t hurt.

Love doesn’t hurt.

By: Amethyst


Celebrating One Year of Let’s Choose Love Mini Grants


Power of Community Hands - Mini Grant Recipient #4