Puppy Love

A year ago we went into lockdown. The thought of being a single woman, living by myself, without the regular opportunity for human contact was not something I was up for.

To keep the scary demons of the total unknown at bay, I buried myself in pictures of dogs.

I’ve only had a dog once in my life and her name was Autumn, who was given to me by a friend when we were both going through a divorce. Autumn was a great comfort then, and since I was no longer traveling all of the time, I thought it might be an opportunity to give it another try. After all, a dog is supposed to love me no matter what, and I figured I could use some of that about now.

Autumn was a 4-years old when I got her, so I decided it would be a good idea to get an older dog again. I began my search to find my new best fur friend by viewing every pound dog available within a 100-mile radius. It turned out that I was not the only one who thought it would be a good idea to adopt a COVID pup, and the pickings were slim.

I think that I spent more hours looking at pictures of dogs, and reading their bios, then I ever spent on the numerous dating sites I have explored. After all, adopting a dog was a lifelong commitment, and I had to make that decision before I even had a first date!

Well, one thing led to another and before I knew it, the thought of actually adopting and raising a puppy became an actual option. I have to admit that the idea of getting a puppy both excited and scared me to death. The level of responsibility was daunting, but after a few weeks of exploring, I opened up that door of possibility.


In April, I became the proud owner of a brand new, 8-week-old Bernedoodle. I broke all of my “rules” of ethical dog adoption. Not only did I not adopt a pound pup, I ended up with a designer dog!

A Bernedoodle is a cross between a bernese mountain dog and a poodle. I am a little disappointed in myself with going to a breeder vs. my local animal shelter, but I figured, since this could be a 14-year commitment, I wanted to have more certainty around how the pup would turn out.

They say that Bernedoodles are very loyal dogs, who love to go on hikes with you as much as they enjoy just hanging out by your feet and being a couch potato. That sounded perfect to me. I imagined myself working and writing with my loyal pup at my feet, content and happy not to have to run and play all of the time. A couch potato pup sounded very good to me.

I named her Shanti. That is Sanskrit for peace. If you say it three times in a row it means peace, joy and love to all living beings.

I figured that it was highly likely that since I would be having to yell “Shanti – Shanti – Shanti” out the door on a regular basis, I might as well be spreading peace, joy and love to all living beings as I was doing it!

As I write this blog, Shanti is indeed sitting by my feet, keeping me company as I write. I cannot believe how much I have come to love this adorable living being. She has provided me so much joy and affection and is indeed an amazing hiking buddy and has kept me good company through this pandemic.

Today Shanti is one year old. If it was not for COVID and this pandemic year, I never would have entertained the possibility of adding a puppy to my very busy life. And now, I cannot imagine my life without her.

I look forward to the day that I can enjoy regular human touch again. To hold hands, embrace, and be in community together will never be taken for granted in the future.

Until that time comes, I am so glad I decided to be a puppy mom.

Happy Birthday Shanti.


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