This is What US – RUSSIA Relationships Look Like to Me


Three years ago we brought 30 teenagers from Russia, England and the US together to build bridges, forge friendships, and deepen understanding between our Sister Cities. As I reflect on that amazing time together, and the current Russia – US tensions, I wanted to share with you another perspective and what U.S Russia relationships look like to me

As Russia and US relationships began to disintegrate during the 2016 elections and tensions have continued to escalate, it brought me back to my childhood during the cold war era when we were constantly “playing chicken” with each other and bragging about who had the biggest and best bombs. I remember being in elementary school and having nuclear bomb drills. The siren would go off and everyone had to run to the hallway and duck under their cubby so you could be safe when the bomb hit. I always did wonder how that little cubby was going to protect me from a nuclear blast, but at that time, you did what the teacher told you to do without asking questions. 

Needless to say, I did not want to go back under my cubby again. However, I could see the writing on the wall about where we were headed, and are heading now, with Russian relationships. So I thought about how I could do my little part to keep the peace.  


People to People Diplomacy

I have always been a fan of Sister Cities International, an organization founded by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956. They are dedicated to people diplomacy and promoting peace one individual, one community at a time. So, I joined the Sister Cities of Durham group and took over as chair of the Kostroma, Russia Committee. We had a team of dedicated volunteers who formed the BRIDGES 2018 program. We brought High School Students together from our tri-Sister Cities, Durham England, Durham North Carolina and Kostroma Russia. The delegates arrived at Raleigh-Durham Airport to banners and cheers from our host students. This began the two week adventure that brought 30 strangers together to share culture, stories, dances, laughter, tears and in the end, lasting friendships.

One of the highlights was our closing ceremony when Taylor Andorfer and Veronika Nikitina Performed Jeff Buckley’s ‘Hallelujah’.


Power of Community Hands - Mini Grant Recipient #4


The Watauga River Cleanup - Mini Grant Recipient #1