The Watauga River Cleanup - Mini Grant Recipient #1

We had so much fun visiting our FIRST Grant Recipient’s Give Back Dream this last weekend: the Watauga River Cleanup!

Organized by Ted Swartzbaugh of Tarpesty, the group collected 6 tires and about 16 bags full of trash in just one afternoon.

They then celebrated with Will Easter and The Nomads live music, and enjoyed raffled items from local outdoor brands.


About Ted’s Project

A group of local companies and organizations will be gathering at Section 2 of the Watauga River for a river clean up event. Post clean up we will all have a gathering outside where companies and organizations can provide promotional material. Booneshine will be our post float beer sponsor and food and music by The Will Easter Band. There will also be a raffle after the clean up in which there will be products and various other prizes from local businesses


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