To Mask or Not to Mask


To Mask or Not To Mask?

That is NOT the question! 

No one wants to wear a mask. 

 We choose to secure the swath of cloth to protect ourselves and others.

 Public Health should not be up for political debate.


I believe it is time we CHANGE the conversation!


When I look out at a sea of people, wearing masks and standing six feet apart,

 I See People

Who are Choosing Love

Choosing to love themselves and doing their best to stay healthy.

Choosing to love the people they come into contact with and ensure they are protected. 

Choosing to love by uniting together and following the best advise that scientists can offer.

It is only by coming together, standing united, and working in unison

that we will be able to emerge out of this pandemic.

It is everyone’s

sister, brother, mother, father, friends and lovers on the alter. 

Wear Your Mask – Please Choose Love


Wear Your Commitment – Special Invitation is in the process of creating I Choose Love masks. We have a limited amount to share and will send one for FREE to the first 10 people who go to the website contact page and request one. 


A Little Dimmer Today


So, What Are We Not Seeing?