Let’s Choose Love Blogs and Podcasts
Find stories full of love, inspiration, inclusivity, individuality, interconnection, and community. We love to capture stories of our grantees, community partners, founders, etc.
It is the 4th of July! Let’s Put Our Love into Action
This year, the 4th feels different to me. We still had our picnics, parades, fireworks, and gatherings with friends, but it’s hard to embrace this holiday when so many of our freedoms are being stripped away.
Bridging Unicorns - Getting to Know Grant Recipient Bridgit Wald
Originally from Massachusetts, Bridgit Wald discovered horses when she was 6 years old. She was a self-described “sensitive, gifted type of kid” who found a sense of home with horses. She felt a powerful impact on her body, mind and heart by spending time with them. Ultimately, this led her to starting Bridging Unicorns.
Celebrating One Year of Let’s Choose Love Mini Grants
On Thursday, May 19, 2022, at the Outdoor Collective in Black Mountain, we celebrated our one-year anniversary.
Love Doesn’t Hurt
Let’s Choose Love extends an invitation for people to really get to know themselves, and then have the courage to step into their own unique life. A year ago a dear friend did just that. Love Doesn’t Hurt is her story of what she found on the other end of that invitation.
Power of Community Hands - Mini Grant Recipient #4
As an Americorps VISTA member, Hakeem has to do a community focused project, and he’s dedicated his time and energy to Detroit Horse Power. His project will be to build a collaborative billboard in the community of Hope Village. It will be hand-made by the people within the neighborhood, and will use the talents of a Hope Village artist.
This is What US – RUSSIA Relationships Look Like to Me
Three years ago we brought 30 teenagers from Russia, England and the US together to build bridges, forge friendships and deepen understanding between our Sister Cities. As I reflect on that amazing time together, and the current Russia – US tensions, I wanted to share with you another perspective and what US - Russia relationships look like to me.
The Watauga River Cleanup - Mini Grant Recipient #1
Organized by Ted Swartzbaugh of @tarpestry , the group collected 6 tires and about 16 bags full of trash in just one afternoon.
Mind Your Focus and Focus Your Mind: From the Sublime to the Ridiculous and Back
A beautiful Friday afternoon turned unexpected storm and broken down car taught me so many lessons that I want to remember.
Rachel’s Classroom - Mini Grant Recipient #3
Through her student group, the Immigrant Health Student Interest Group at Oregon Health and Science University, Rachel has gathered five volunteers to help lead educational workshops in person at the center.
Ali’s Cart - Mini Grant Recipient #2
“We’re different from them, but we want to reach out to neighbors and say hey! We’re the same as you are! We’re just in different vehicles.”
Acts of Kindness
Acts of kindness and love can come from the most unexpected places. Thank you Vic!